Nattpratare, haha!
"I want to be a cowboy. I don't want to be a panda. Pandas are boring, stupid and boring. Bad panda!"
"You can't be a pirate if you don't have a beard. I said so. MY boat, MY rules."
"I'm baking pillows. Burn them slowly, keeps them fluffy! Mmmmmm, pillows."
"Potato bags. I can't find my potato bags. I need them! [desperately] Who's got my potato bags? Oh, fuck it! I'll have to use something else."
"Your mum's at the door again. Bury me. Bury me deep."
"Shhhhhhhhh. shhhhhhhhh. I'm telling you: your voice, my ears. A bad combination."
"Butter... nut... squash. I like those words."
"Oompa loompas don't sing in heaven. They tidy up the clouds."
"Please just walk away. I don't want to have to stand here and say something so awesome that I'll have to remember it the rest of the day. Thank you!"
Det var det roligaste jag läst på länge. Fast jag tror att hans tjej är ganska trött på att ständigt bli väckt av osammanhängande meningar. Får hoppas hon ser det roliga i det..=)
Hahahah, tack Sara, du gjorde just min dag! Nu kan jag lägga mig med ett leende på läpparna. ;)
Länkar det här inlägget, bara så du vet. :P